1590 High St. Eugene, OR 97401

Ph 541-484-0493

Fax 541-343-7507


Office Hrs 10-4 M-F

1590 High St. Eugene, OR 97401

Ph 541-484-0493

Fax 541-343-7507


Office HRS 10-4 M-F

 Welcome to Chinook Properties! 

Please take the time to view our services, links and available property listings using the links provided. If you have any questions do not hesitate to call or email our friendly and helpful staff!  

We are located at 1590 High St. in beautiful Eugene, OR. Office hours are M-F 10AM-4PM. 
Staff hours are M-F 9AM-5PM. 

To drop off forms or payments during non-office hours please use the drop box located on the front porch of the office.
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